Temporary closure of the club due to Government health warning


Unfortunately due to the outbreak of the virus all chess club and local chess activities on a face to face level are being stopped, temporarily.

There is posting on the www.dorset chess site advising all league fixtures for both leagues and all local chess competitions are temporarily suspended.

The Legion have asked us not to use the our chess room until further notice in accordance with daily Govt warnings and advice.

We all know this is unprecedented and so its so important to stay safe and be careful.

I have forwarded an e mail sent from Martin Clancy who has offered to set up an online chess forum via www.lichess as this is a good opportunity for anyone to join in and play. If you would like details please contact Martin Clancy or I can pass on.

Let us hope this does not continue for too long but in the meantime keep in touch and take care.

March 18, 2020