Summer Internal Tournament

The Summer Tournament has started. The first round should have been played and the second round pairings are now available below. All games to be completed by 19th July. If you still have the first round to play, please prioritise the new round 2 games and catch up on older games afterwards if possible.

Time control is 1 hour each unless both players agree otherwise (keep it above 5 minutes please!). Venue is Poole Chess Club unless both players agree otherwise (for example, can play at a neutral venue or someone’s house or even online).

Round 2 games – by 19th July:

John WMike D
David FBye
AndyMartin O
Simon FDamon
Mike RLeo
Simon PTony P
DragosTony S
HarshalJohn B
Mike MJoe
HarryDavid B

Round 1 games (should have already been played):

David FMike D
DamonJohn W
EllisMartin O
LeoSimon F
Tony SMike R
Tony PBye
AlexSimon P
AngusJohn B
David BMike M

July 7, 2023