PooleB v SouthbourneB
Back to Southbourne for the first time in two years…
My game (B2) first (I am the captain and I can do what I want!). Tony had an excellent game. I felt that I had equalised in a Classical Dutch but then slowly got suffocated while not being aware of making any mistakes, with a few cheapos at the end being avoided. A post mortem didn’t clarify matters for me, but quickly passing the game through Fritz actually showed a completely level assessment after 27 moves. A slight inaccuracy by myself led to a slight pull for Tony which was converted. As I said an excellent game with zero errors by my opponent. Well done.
Tim v John (B4) was a topsy turvy affair. Tim had a won position but allowed an opportunity for a turnaround which was not taken. Chess is a funny game and it ain’t over till it’s over. Tim gaining the full point evened the match up.
Dragi v Michael (B3) was a tough, even game dissolving down to Dragi’s favourite ‘Rook Ending with a load of pawns’. With Richie’s game looking positive a draw would seem enough. Both sides had connected passed pawns but Dragi seemed to have everything under control and Michael graciously conceded. A group post mortem demonstrated how tricky such Rook and Pawns endings can be.
And so to Richie v Jon (B1). Another tipsy turvy affair which ended in a strange fashion. Jon seemed completely winning about 18 moves in but was then caught by a tricky combination which reversed the situation. Much later a N+B+ap+hp vs R ending was reached. An unlike-Richie error dropped the a-pawn and allowed a RxN leaving Bishop and Rook pawn of opposite queening square colour setup. A draw was agreed (ensuring a Poole match win) and then it was noted that the queening square was actually the right colour. Bemusement all round.
So another narrow win again for Poole B who are starting the season a bit like Arsenal winning 1-0 all of the time. Boring.
We all decided to move to the Riverside Pub to discuss the strange Richie-Jon game outcome; Richie was puzzled and amused. Drinks were bought and everything was ok again.
Thanks Martin for the excellent covid-aware set-up including the table service for the mid-game cuppa. It was great to meet up with old friends and adversaries after all this time. A close match.
David Fuller
November 13, 2021