New Milton 1.5 – 2.5 Poole C
The next game in the busy week saw Poole trek all the way over to New Milton.
Poole had a big grading advantage, especially on board 2 where nobody knew if the prepared player was going to turn up so was switched out for a substitute at the last minute…a minute before the original player turned up.
That didn’t work out too badly though as newcomer Tim held his own against Dragi with a pawn deficit with only rooks on the board. A blunder by Dragi dropped the spare pawn and Tim went on to win the game.
Adam played a solid game against Simon, getting a material advantage and closing out a Bishop vs Rook end game.
Richie managed to get a good material advantage against Stephen in the middle game and converted that to a win.
The final game, Tarik against Barry saw the momentum swinging all over the place with a draw finally agreed.
February 25, 2020