Inaugural Monday evening 23/5 at the Centenary Club
I am back from sunny and warm Croatia (lucky boy) and in time for our 1st evening at the Centenary tomorrow night (23/5).
The league season finished on Friday last and some clubs I hear are closing for some time in the summer. However, for us at Poole it business as usual and we would like you to come down and support the club as many times as you can during the summer. All matches are now in the Hall and this is our regular time and place for the forseeable future.
We are still in the Handicap Knockout competition and we will enter at least one team or more for a summer competition between Southbourne/Highcliffe and Ringwood. Details to follow.
If there enough interest we will have an internal summer competition as before which will hopefully be finished before the autumn and winter months!
The date for our AGM to be announced shortly.
Hope to see you at the club.
May 22, 2022