DCL1 Poole 2.5 v Bournemouth 1.5
Another very hard fought match with three games lasting until after 10pm.
B1 Nick (b) vs Martin Simons may be the exception to the previous sentence, having had the potential to develop into a very difficult game after Martin sacrificed a pawn and Nick retreated both knights back to the back rank, but was drawn in 12 moves.
B2 John (w) vs Samuel Durno was a Steinitz French. Samuel moved his queen a couple of times giving white the initiative, allowing John to advance aggressively on both wings, but this left holes through which black infiltrated and won a pawn. In time trouble John found some good moves to win back the pawn and gain a slight edge, but in a symmetrical position it could only be a draw.
B3 Dave (b) vs Dennis Stokes-Carter was a kind of Kalashnikov Sicilian with white getting a bind from pawns on e4 and c4 cramping black. However some good play enabled Dave to break through and achieve a seemingly overwhelming passed pawn on the seventh rank along with back rank mating threats. Down to the increment Dave couldn’t find a decisive breakthrough, and analysis after the game showed it was surprisingly very difficult to win.
B4 Martin (w) vs WG Belcher was a Fianchetto against a King’s Indian setup. Martin looked to have a stronger position throughout, and with good play forced black to accept three backward or isolated pawns. They say that one weakness isn’t enough for victory, and it was only with the creation of that third isolated pawn that Martin could win the material advantage to close out the endgame.
Three games in we’re top of the table, but all matches have been a very close 2.5-1.5.
Nick Lee
November 28, 2023