Tuesday saw the AGM for the B&DCL, these events can include various matters of procedure, which was executed appropriately and without major incident, the main take away is that the token system for reserves is back making it a bit easier for the same player to be a reserve multiple times. Previously 3 times was the limit, now the limit is on average one player per game can be a reserve. Huge thanks to the committee and all the officers for making the AGM and the season go smoothly.
The more glamorous part of the evening was the presentation of trophies.
Two Towns – This cup (left hand side in the image at the top) is competed against annual by essentially East vs West, nominally Poole Vs Bournemouth although Bournemouth often end up on Poole’s side! It’s a friendly start to the season with about 25 boards being played. This year is Monday 11th September.
Division 1 – The board was well fought across the season, it dates back to 1950 where it was won by Parkstone. It was collected by John for his part in the team of Mike W, Mike D, John W, Nick and expertly captained by David F. This achievement was made harder by having a second team in the first division, meaning any players for the B team are ineligible for the A team, limiting the pool of players.
Brien Urry Cup – This cup is awarded to the player with the highest score percentage in the top division, John W won this with an impressive 8/10.
Boardman Trophy for Division 4 – This is the player with the highest amount of points in division 4, this was Tony S who incidentally also has the highest win percentage with 5.5/7 or 79%. Joint second and very narrowly missing out was Leo on 5/7.
The next AGM is the Dorset League where we’re also expecting to pick up silverware. That is Wednesday 28th June.
The Poole Chess Club AGM is scheduled for Monday 14th August, please notify me of any agenda items or willingness to stand for any positions!
June 22, 2023