North Road Social Club Refund

Formerly known as Poole Ex-Servicemens Club, the North Road Social Club (NRSC) called a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Tuesday 26th October to discuss the idea to waiver the membership fee of £10 for the 2021/2022 annual subscription.

The meeting was well attended and the proposal put forward by the acting committee, emphasized the need to attract new members, which the club badly needs to survive.

Existing members would enjoy a ‘free’ year, whilst new members would need to pay just £5 for the new style Key Fob for electronic door entry. These would be free to old members.

The proposal was put to the vote and passed in favor.

All members, old and new will still need to be members of the Royal British Legion at an annual cost of £18. Membership to the NRSC will be refused if applicant has not joined the RBL.

As you are all aware, the Poole Chess Club has collected from each of it’s members the said £10 fee, if you would like this refunded via BACS or cash, please let Graham know via text or email, otherwise we would suggest the money stays in the Poole Chess Club account for use in purchasing new equipment, trophies, stationary and/or other expenses.


Graham Morris (secretary) 07913988386

Email –

October 31, 2021