Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting  5th September 2022

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting  5th September 2022


Those Present:-

Simon Fox, Angus, Mike Minvalla, Mike Duggan, Steve Bailey, Eric Sachs, Tarik, Graham Morris, Mike Rutter, Tony Pritchard, John Weatherlake, Chip, Dave Burt, Dave Fuller, Tony Sanderson, Charlie Back, Martin O’Neil, Paul Trowbridge.


As Secretary of the joint committee, Graham chaired the meeting and thanked all for attending this EGM, which had been called for following Eric’s decision to step down as Chairman for personal reasons.

Graham thanked Eric for the years of unprecedented hard work, dedication and devotion to Poole Chess club, having seen it build over the years to arguably the largest and best chess club in Dorset. A token of thanks in the shape and form of a bottle of whisky was presented to Eric by Tarik who also thanked and praised Eric’s efforts over the years as a member and Chairman. A round of applause was directed to Eric by all members present.

Eric then spoke briefly of his time and involvement with the club, his reasons for stepping down and hoped the new Chairman would in the future, continue to make the club successful.

The business of electing a new Chairman continued with the nomination of Tarik, as there were no other candidates, a vote was taken and unanimously carried in favour. Proposed by Dave Fuller, seconded by Simon Fox.

Tarik then said a few words regarding his views on running the club, teams and team captains, communication via WhatsApp and up and coming tournaments.

The matter of electing the Secretary Officer was not voted on at the AGM, so this was addressed by a vote, which was carried in favour for the only nomination, that being Graham. Proposed by Mike Rutter and seconded by Chip.

With no other official business to conclude, the meeting was officially closed.


Graham Morris (Sec)





September 6, 2022