Ex-Servicemen’s Club Membership now due!
Ex-Servicemen’s Club Membership of £10 is now due for all Poole Chess Club members. (juniors exempt)
We request that you don’t pay over the bar as in previous years, as this gets rather messy trying to find out who’s paid what, instead please give your Ex-Servicemen’s ‘Blue Card’ along with £10 to Graham and the Chess Club will pay a lump sum together with the cards, hopefully this will speed up the renewal process with the staff of the Servicemen’s club. In the past this has been somewhat difficult, but I’m assured this has been improved, we shall see!
Thanks to those of you that have already taken this action.
In those famous words of Bob Geldof – give me your, ummm, money!
After an encouraging start to the season, we take a mid season ‘break’ as we have no fixtures next week, so I propose the Chairman takes us all off to sunnier climes for a well earned R&R before a very hectic following week, all those in favour, say aye!
October 4, 2019