The 2019 theme is 24! E.g. it is the 24th Dorset County Chess Association Rapidplay, takes place on Sunday, 24th March 2019, 24 cash prizes and everything in multiples of 24 where possible.
We have increased the cash prizes to a total £648 (up 30%) – the Team Prize has doubled to £96 and up to 12 Grading Prizes of £24 each. Everyone will win a prize of some kind. Entry fee of £16 includes usual free hot lunch, snacks and all hot and cold drinks.
Time Increments being used in this event for the first time. 20 minutes plus 5 seconds a move. Last year the feedback was entrants wanted an earlier finish, so we will complete the last round by 5pm, with the prize giving shortly after.
It is an Open congress.
For more information, please go to “Rapidplay 2019” under “Congresses” main menu bar. Entries possible on-line or by hard copy. There is also some information on last year’s congress in the snow.
Although obviously the results are important, at the same time, we aim to keep the tradition going of this being a friendly, informal and welcoming congress.
Special welcome to Peter Bjorntoft, who lives in Demark and plays for the Seksloebren club. He has been encouraged to enter by fellow Dane Jorgen, who of course, needs no introduction!