Division 5 – 8/2/18 Poole F 2.5/1.5 Wimborne G
Poole F continued their recent winning form with fine win in last night’s match. The gradings were fairly even and all was set for a good contest.
The team’s newest recruit Kyzrstoff Itrich playing Sepp Wikramaratna- Clarke (was this Poole vs Wimborne?) making his debut in Bd 1 and did not disappoint. The game centred around pinning a piece in a tight late middle game position & as there was no escape the piece and position collapsed.. Well done Kyzrstoff in your first game 1-0
On Bd 2 – Captain Bailey played a steady and successful opening against an underrated Greg Webb who held the postion albeit just defending and passive. Steve had chances but the mistake may have been no castling K side so allowing Greg to have a counter when white’s position has been comprised. This allowed a knight fork exchange and thus the white position crumbled. No matter, a good and enjoyable game and so 1-1
On Bd 3 – Paul Trowbridge playing David Lane had an even game until losing a pawn but stood firm like a trojan waiting to be challenged. Sure enough the charge came once nearly all pieces were left as spectators around the outside of the board but wait a minute the extra queening pawn had to reach a white square and would you believe Paul had the W square Bishop to hold all. The pieces moved up and down, surely hands would be exchanged for a draw. No, a few more moves and David realised it was hopeless and frustrated he offered his hand and the draw. Well done Paul, who stood firm in the heat of the battle and trusted his chess instincts. 1.5/1.5
So on to Bd 4 and Derek Chapman thought he may be getting a walk over as his opponent Sam Walker arrived 20 minutes late. No matter, Derek swamped down the board in commanding fashion to overwhelm his opponent on all the good and attacking squares. Sam’s K ended up walking into the forthcoming execution not before his Q had already departed. B = + K move Q = + move then Q move = ++ mate so 1-0.
Lovely 2.5/1.5 a good and deserved win for the F team, well done and commiserations to Wimborne in a good contest.
February 9, 2018