Coronvarirus and chess in Dorset
Coronavirus and chess in Dorset, posted yesterday 11 March.
Please see below the notice the Mike Jay has posted in respect of the virus and local chess.
We continue to monitor the national and local situation closely and take onboard all latest medical advice, especially from Government. If anything changes, which impacts local league matches or tournaments we will post information on this website immediately.
During the period of uncertainty, we are asking all team captains to be understanding of postponement requests even if these are at short notice. Taking everything into account, we plan to go ahead with the Rapidplay this Sunday, 15 March. Obviously, we ask anyone not feeling well, or having symptoms of illness to remain at home. The same would especially apply to someone coming from an area of high infection.
We also ask everyone, especially players, not to shake hands. Key to containment, of course, is regular handwashing and our hosts, Greyfriars, will have good supplies of soap, hot water and disposable paper towels.
Some of our members are concerned with the current situation in relation to playing chess especially for people over 60 and above. At the time of writing I can only advise we ask you to take all the usual precautions, so if you have any symptoms and or not feeling well please stay at home and let your captain know.
We intend to have some wipes/tissues at the club and will move try to space the boards out as much as space allows.
If we need to postpone matches and or reduce the number of boards from 4 to say 3 we can do this to allow matches to go ahead. This could also apply to matches if captains agree to call the match a draw due to insufficient players, let’s see how we get on.
We do not wish to over react and at the same time we need to be cautious to protect all our members and colleagues in the chess community.
Lots of websites have information, but this link is to NHS advice:
March 12, 2020