Comfortable win for Poole D at Wimborne in Division 4
So, the penultimate game of the season for Poole D. Considering the importance of this game, the team arrived in good spirits against Wimborne F, led by the effervescent Mike Davison.
Our D team needed to win to maintain their challenge for the League Title in what looks a three way competition to become Champions.
Play on Board 1 began with Stephen Chappell with White vs Mike Davidson.
Stephen appeared appeared to get a solid position in the opening, slightly more advanced minor pieces and a small edge in space, but as the game progressed there were dynamic opportunities for both players, appearing to slightly favour the Wimborne Captain. Subsequent analysis in the bar afterwards seemed to suggest this. A draw was agreed, with the match result having already been decided.
Board 2 Saw Richie Smith with Black vs Phil Holden.
An interesting opening saw Richie gain a small advantage and this advantage grew until culminating in the loss of a piece for Phil. This was by his own admission not his best performance, but these nights happen to everyone occasionally and results were quickly forgotten after having a good discussion and drink in the friendly atmosphere of Wimborne’s Bar.
Board 3 was the Poole D skipper Chris Ambrose facing off against Jim Newman.
Things appeared to start brightly for Chris gaining a space advantage on the Queenside out of the opening. Jim started to try and develop some activity on the Kingside shortly after and both players were soon tussling for an edge on that side of the board. Things began to close up and a tactic ensued trading Queens. Tt seemed difficult for both players to make any progress, so a draw was agreed.
On Board 4 Krzystoff Itrich was making his debut for Poole D and faced David Lane.
Krzystoff won two pawns early in the opening, but David was launching pieces towards the Kingside with clear intentions of mounting an attack. This proved to be slightly premature as Black forced the win of a knight soon thereafter and the win was sealed for Poole. Congratulations for a memorable debut!
An enjoyable evening’s Chess and analysis/Blitz with many of the Wimborne and Highcliffe players in the bar afterwards.
Final Score Wimborne F 1 – 3 Poole D
Report by
Richie Smith
May 17, 2018