BDCL 1: PooleA v RingwoodA
The final match of the season and on paper PooleA should be safe as league champions. Only two extreme results could deny this outcome. Sadly, Martin Clancy had advised me a couple of days previously that Ringwood could only raise three players, which, on the positive side, would give me an evening off!
Board 3, John Weatherlake (b) vs Rob Davenport was a nice Grand Prix Attack! It all looked pretty reasonable to me but suddenly a draw was agreed. Ah well.
Board 1, Mike Waddington (b) vs Richard Ormesher was a quieter Italian affair with much manoevering around e4/e5 pawns and looking about even. I looked away for a second and the position opened up with a nasty attack by the black pieces. A nice tactic won the white queen and it looked all over. Bad luck Richard.
Board 2, Nick Lee (w) vs Niall Woodger saw a QGD position where black to sacced a pawn for some queenside piece activity. Suddenly the position seemed to slide and the white position became overwhealming and Niall conceded.
Bad luck Ringwood missing three players tonight.
Result: PooleA 3.5 – 0.5 RingwoodA
Poole A retain the title!

David Fuller
April 29, 2024